See All Synergy Day 2015 Abstracts
AMPEL marked our 20th anniversary celebration of innovation and collaboration on May 29 with Synergy Day 2015. Over 40 abstracts were submitted as poster presentations and “Rapid Fire Research” talks, with the best abstracts judged to be:
Best “Rapid Fire Research” Talk: Mohammad Ali Mahmouzadeh, Ashwin R. Usagaocar and John D. Madden, Solar Rechargeable Redox Flow Battery
Best Poster Presentation: Isaac Martens, Blais Pinaud, Jeanette Leeuwner, Amin Nouri, Elod Gyenge, David Wilkinson and Dan Bizzottto, Electrolessly deposited Pt/Nafion compositie catalysts
See All Synergy Day 2015 Abstracts
In addition to the Abstract presentations, Synergy Day participants were treated to a BBQ which was put together with help from members of the Microstructure Group: thanks to Laurent Coutuerier, Qingquan Lai, Chenglu Liu and Isaac Robinson for their hard work!
Synergy Day events concluded with Keynote Presentations by two of AMPEL’s leading faculty. Dr. Anoush Poursartip, Director of the Composites Research Network presented Dirsruptive Engineering Research: towards the virtual composites factory. Professor Dan Bizzottto in the Department of Chemistry spoke on the subject of Electrochemistry and collobaration in AMPEL: Some examples from the Bizzotto Lab.
Thanks to everyone who participated and shared your research – we look forward to seeing you at Synergy Day 2016!
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